Friday, February 13, 2015



Tunapenda kuwatambulisha kwenu huduma zingine za kijamii zinazoendeshwa na Shalom Tabernacle, Majani Mapana.

1. Pentecostal Community Development Agency (PCDA) ni Non Governmental Organization (NGO) iliyosajiliwa serikalini kwa hati ya usajili namba 00002820 ya tarehe 30 Decemba 2008.
. PCDA inafanya huduma za kijamii kwa niaba ya KLPT Shalom Tabernacle kama ifuatavyo:
1) Kuwasaidia wanafunzi walioshindwa kulipa ada shuleni kwa sababu za mazingira yao ya kifamilia ama kimaisha.
2) Kuwasaidia wajane kwa kuwaunganisha pamoja na kuwaanzishia mfumo wa pamoja kuwainua kiuchumi kama vikoba.
3) Kuwasaidia watoto yatima walioko mashuleni kuweza kukidhi kwa sehemu mahitaji yao ya kimaisha na ya shule.
4) Kuwatembelea wafungwa na kuwapa msaada wa vitu vya kujikimu kama sabuni, dawa za meno, n.k.kwa kibali cha uongozi wa gereza.

2. Shalom SACCOS yenye hati ya usajili namba TAR. 484 ya tarehe 12 Juni, 2008. Ushirika huu unawasaidia washirika wa hapa kanisani na wengine wanaopenda kujiunga kukopa na kurudisha mikopa hali wakiinua vipato vyao kwa kufanya biashara na kuinuka kiuchumi.

Tutawaletea maelezo zaidi ya huduma za PCDA na Shalom SACCOS .

Kwa mawasiliano:
E Mail:

Mchungaji: KLPT Shalom Tabernacle.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Shalom to all our viewers.

The Lord has been even more faithful to this ministry. The year 2013 has begun with much involvement as pastor George became the principal of Tanga Christian Bible College. This added another prime responsibility to the our three, namely, Deputy General Overseer of the Kanisa La  Pentekoste Tanzania (KLPT), KLPT Tanga Province Overseer and co-pastor of KLPT Shalom Tabernacle at Majani Mapana where Rev. Christine Nywage is the senior pastor.

Shalom Tabernacle has made progress especially in the area of music. The plan was to buy additional and better musical equipment, which we have done by the grace of God. We now have big bass speakers, drums and a powerful booster to handle all the speakers. Our current project is to record our church quire at a CD level. From there we will embark on the building project, commonly known as the "Ghorofa project."

In these and more, your prayers for us are much valuable.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied to you all.

Dr. George Kenan Nywage

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A successful ending

Shalom to our viewers!

The following pictures concern a brief presentation of a doctoral degree certificate to me (Rev. George Kenan Nywage) on March 31st, 2013. As you will follow, the pictures are nor posted chronologically, hence, an apology for that.

We are so thankful to all who prayed for progress of this school. At last it has paid off. I enrolled to the Graduate School of Japan Bible Institute in March 2010. The coursework in Old Testament Christology and Apologetics were supervised by Dr. John Adamson Mwakilema, DMin, ThD. The dissertation project (the hardest of the school work) was formerly under the supervision of Professor Immanuel Bavu, PhD, retired professor of Public Administration at the University of Dar es Salaam. He was very helpful in Research Methodology skills. Later he had to give up because he is not a theologian.

Dr. Mwakimage worked closely with me from the beginning as the main supervisor in formatting, flow and methodology as well. The whole project was done by December 2012 and sent to the Faculty of the Graduate School of JBI at Atsugi City, Kanagawa, Japan. The course work and dissertation satisfied the examiners and the doctoral degree certificate posted to me by EMS in January 2013.

Blessings to you all,

Dr. George Nywage.

Dr. Nywage

Leaders: Girls League, Women and Youth

A picture with Youth Leaders, leaders for Girls's league and the Women's Movement (WWWK)

Deacons and elders

A picture with church elders and deacons. Behind are Deacon Charles Zeno Kang'umbo, Deacon Victor Herbert Dunduu, Elder Dora Wallace Kimea and Elder Lucy Michael Shangali

Neighbors who attended

Dr. Nywage and  Rev. Mrs Nywage. Behind are Dr. Mwakimage, Mrs. Mwakimage, The Head teacher of Majani Mapana Primary School and Mr. & Mrs. Ngomela.

TCBC Lecturers and the tree doctors

Dr. Mokiwa, Dr. Shemsanga, Dr. Mwakimage and TCBC Lecturers behind

Pictures after the graduation exercise

Dr. Nywage, Rev. Mrs. Nywage and Rejoice George Nywage. Behind are Dr. Mokiwa, Dr. Mwakimage, Dr. Shemsanga and TCBC lecturers where Dr. Nywage is principal.

Dr. and Rev. Mrs. Nywage

Dr. Nywage and his wife Rev. Christine Nywage

"He did well," says Dr. Mwakimage

Dr. Mwakimage speaks

Dr. Mwakimage, the supervisor,  speaks of the progress and performance of Rev. Nywage in his doctoral dissertation. Dr. Shemsanga affirms with a smile.